A Pill for Every Will

Countless advances have been made in the medical field since the dawn of age and now we have cures to over 100 pathogens and medications for countless diseases; several of which have been kept at bay and a few totally eradicated. 

 "Applause to the human race"

Logically, there shouldn't be any sick person living, yet we never see an empty hospital considering there are around 50000 health care centres in India alone; every day, the death count in India alone exceeds the number of hospitals present. So, what exactly is happening with every scientific breakthrough? Why do we constantly get exposed to bacteria and such? Considering the advances, why hasn't there yet been discovered a real cure for the common cold?

 Are we really naïve enough to believe that the viruses are ever-multiplying with new strains and still umpteen strains are to be discovered? When it is true to some extent, the real problem is with the marketing and finance department of medicines. We don't get the medicines free of cost; even when the amount is paid, we don't get the complete, quality medicine package for the ailment prescribed. We need to visit the doctor again and again until we grow poorer or the ailment gets better of us.

 In a constantly expanding decade of technology and innovations, medicine and health-care have been pushed to the backends and as a consequence we, citizens suffer in the long run.
The management isn't the only one to be blamed for this. Each and every individual plays a role in letting the cure get farther away from the ailing person. How is this done?

Primarily, there's no general awareness amongst the people regarding different common ailments. Even when we go see a doctor, the doctor is reluctant to disclose the details of the disease to the patient. We have seen more than willing doctors who doesn't hesitate to take a sheet out of the prescription pad and start prescribing medications before hearing us out fully. These doctors, when asked the details of the ailment and their corresponding medicines, their god-complex gets triggered and some say, "Just follow the medications. Everything will be alright." or like others, "Doctor knows best. You don't have to worry about anything." While these words sound reassuring at the time, it's not completely true. The doctor we see occasionally is not our family doctor who knows how our body operates to take him on his word.
People are entitled to complete disclosure of their health check-ups and it's the responsibility of every practicing doctor out there to provide it. It's not that we are questioning your capability to treat us, it's just we need to know what's happening in our own body to be better aware of the symptoms. Don't hesitate to go all science on us patients. 

After all, only a doctor has access to the current apt medication available in the market for a particular ailment. When the relationship between a doctor and patient is exclusive and mutually beneficial to the patient, real changes can start to happen.

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