A Better Self for a Better World

Almost every one of us would have crossed through this stage of development and that panicky feel we deal with then, is what I would like to talk about today. Go back in time and remember the kid version of yourself eating a candy alone and looking around to see that no one is there and then throwing the candy wrapper on the floor. It could be with pencil shavings or any other litter for that matter. Yes, we all have done it, at least once and no, don't be ashamed of it as long as you've grown up from that stage.

We have since then learned how important it is to throw litter in the dust-bin, owing to the fact there's a nursery rhyme about it - "Bits of Paper". But, have we truly shed that beastly behaviour? We've also made it our Coat of Arms, splurging it only at times we feel threatened or predatory. How can we be called entirely civilised when there's this base animal instinct within all of us? We like being lazy and if left unchecked, either by external supervision or internal conscientiousness, we succumb back to that behaviour we are not proud to wear in the light of day. So how do we make it to a practice thereby bringing it to muscle memory; reaching a moment in life where we don't have to think much about the act at all but it automatically comes to us in a good way? This not only applies to basic littering but also to all habits we would like to shed. Yes, this technique would work only if your mind chooses the reason and accepts to change first! If you like doing the things that are frowned upon, I recommend you read up, on the benefits of following the good opposite so you can convince your mind.

Now, for this technique, it is not an easy task, let me warn you! Once you commit to it, don't back down for at least 3 months. By that time, it won't be hard anymore. So the steps to be followed are organised in bulletins for easy access wherever you are:

1. Imagine your personality without that negative habit. Put your thoughts to work, no restrictions here, because it's all in your imagination. So, let it run wild and think about the good you, doing all the good things, and try and think of how that could benefit you in the long run. Fantasize about it - the better you!

2. Be stern with yourself every time you do it, yeah I know, it's a lot of times and mostly shrugging is easier, but no, we want to change- so we are going
to have to condition our body too. Don't shrug and think "maybe next time"; be very strict and call out on your bad behaviour - frown at yourself, only when doing those things, not always. We don't wanna get ourselves depressed now.

3. Make a count, say five times in a row you do the thing you hate you don't get the thing you love for ten times in a row. This is one very important task, that requires patience, sacrifice, and responsibility! So, suit up and play the grandmother. If you find yourself slipping for more than five times continuously or any number you feel comfortable with, you refrain access to yourself for double that number from one particular thing that you love to do- (this love to do a thing can only be a selfish pleasure thing and not things that you do for others). Be strict on refraining, only then will your mind and body remember as much to not do the bad thing.

4. For every time, you think of doing it, but stop yourself and do the right thing, clap! yes clap for yourself, and even talk appreciative words to yourself. Don't bother whether you're surrounded or alone, self-encouragement is crucial for a healthy soul.

5. Finally, when you find yourself not having done the bad thing for a long while - say three weeks, (not even slipped once in-between), reward yourself with something you love. It could be a takeout dinner, some gift that you had in your wishlist but never bought or making a call to someone who makes you happy. Just reward yourself!

So, that's it for today. I hope you can get rid of the litter in the right way by following these not so simple routines and become a better you. I should explain though, out of all the bad habits one can have, personally, I consider littering is the worst because it not only damages self but is exploitative to others surrounding us and the environment too. So, please don't fall in love with that and do change if you were in the habit of it. It can be our little secret. No one has to know what we did in the past as long as the future is cleared up by the actions of the present. See you in my next post, until then, much love!

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Thank You for taking the time to type it down, Much Love <3 Vinci!

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