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A Better Self for a Better World

Almost every one of us would have crossed through this stage of development and that panicky feel we deal with then, is what I would like to talk about today. Go back in time and remember the kid version of yourself eating a candy alone and looking around to see that no one is there and then throwing the candy wrapper on the floor. It could be with pencil shavings or any other litter for that matter. Yes, we all have done it, at least once and no, don't be ashamed of it as long as you've grown up from that stage. We have since then learned how important it is to throw litter in the dust-bin, owing to the fact there's a nursery rhyme about it - "Bits of Paper". But, have we truly shed that beastly behaviour? We've also made it our Coat of Arms, splurging it only at times we feel threatened or predatory. How can we be called entirely civilised when there's this base animal instinct within all of us? We like being lazy and if left unchecked, either b

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