Together in the Sands of Time

How would the world look like if it was engineered by women? Now, don't get me wrong, sure woman have contributed throughout the millennia across boundless plateaus and the achievements are marked in the pages of history. 
Now, let's get real. We don't say "men have contributed in the field too, some notable persons include..." in any sentence structure other than maternity, child-birth. Yes, it's in the physiology. In the age where discrimination based on race, creed, colour, disabilities and species is strongly discouraged and protested against, the age-long cry for 'gender justice' becomes a chatter in the background. Sure, we've all said "I support women" or even "I'm a little feminist", but I ask you how have you individually impacted in the growth of a better generation that support women? 
The concept to be grasped here, regarding supporting women is that, we (as in female species) do appreciate how you all gather around in the event of a protest, or crisis and cry for 'women's rights', 'women's equality' and 'he for she', but, in your everyday life, do you constantly support gender justice?
Still sticking with yes? Okay, here goes: Have you ever once considered switching your parent's routine to each others tasks just for the fun of it at least? Fear not, I've got news for you - it's a rarity. I think we are all engineered through genetic memory to tolerate, and utilise the wonder called women. Don't go calling me feminist now, I point at all of us men, women and every other human out there, surviving. As a girl, every women adapts herself to bend to the nuances of the society around her to reach her goals faster. It happens either consciously or unconsciously. 

So where did this all start? Where did evolution take a back-track. Time for a funny story. 
There were 10 people on the field, five flags and five shields. They all played together co-existing peacefully. One day, a new person walked in to join them and the total became eleven. This person decided to join the flag team and explicably the decisions started favouring the flag members since they were a majority. Over time, this majority turned into abuse of power and no one was there to keep them in check except the downgraded shield team members whose laments fell on deaf ears.

End of story. Let's get back on track. Applying this logic to the world's scenario, the majority vote was won by men and hence women are being abused and worse. The population of women keeps decreasing and we say nothing about it. We fight for the living, sure. But, what if there's no one left to fight for? It'd be too late to change then. Let's get in perspective, people. 

The concept of women equality is not a new one and yes, through the years there have been cries of "save the girl child". The total world population keeps increasing at a ridiculous rate; the inflow comes from rapid decline of one gender. How can this be considered growth? Even on evolutionary terms, it doesn't make sense. Every man needs a woman to reproduce and keep the human race alive. So, reader, if you're a man, where's your woman? One equals one. There's loads of men roaming on earth without their logical pair. Why haven't this issue been yet addressed? 

I say, the first step towards liberating women completely, lies in increasing the number of female species alive. Many countries did implement laws to regress overpopulation by putting a limit on number of children born. But, is that fair to both the sexes? Curb the population, yes but the male population. We need more women in the world. So, why not amend those laws to have another child if it is a girl. Just one other. I think this will significantly boost morality around the world at these hard times. 

I might sound ridiculous. But, consider this: When a baby cries, we turn to the women to soothe it and coddle it and make it well. Every living being agrees that it is the women who nurture better. Ironically, one biggest child's cry is not being soothed at all. Yes, we try, but no, there's not enough women to subdue this cry - The Cry of Our Planet! Over the ages, men have used, exploited, abused and at last started actively destroying this kind planet we live in. Now that it's screaming at us in the way of natural disasters, we try to dial it down by calling peace summits felicitating the environment and even as a last attempt, ditch this planet and find habitable planets in outer-space. Honestly, is that the kind of impression we want to make on the extra-terrestrials? We need our planet, this blue planet back on it's heels. For every one tree you plant, a trillion is being cut down and don't even get me started on other species. We need women to regrow this planet. To cherish this planet-sized child so our children have future. 

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Thank You for taking the time to type it down, Much Love <3 Vinci!

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